The 21st Annual Animation Show of Shows
Tuesday, October 08, 2019 7:00 pm
Event hosted by: Animation Show of Shows
Event hosted by: School of Visual Arts
The ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS, a curated selection of the “best of the best” animated short films created by students and professionals around the world, returns to theaters across North America this fall. Featuring 11 films from seven countries, the 2019 edition of the program offers an array of highly imaginative, thought-provoking, and moving works that reflect the filmmakers’ unique perspectives and their relationship to the world.
THE 21st ANNUAL ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS will be presented for free to students and faculty of colleges in the New York City area. Proper ID is required.
RSVPs via Eventbrite are appreciated, but not required, and do not guarantee admittance. Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Doors will open approximately 30 minutes prior to the screening.