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2022 Annual Symposium: Unearthing Public Art

Friday, June 03, 2022 9:30 am

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Join Madison Square Park Conservancy on June 3 for their annual symposium, Unearthing Public Art.

Inspired by Cristina Iglesias’ Landscape and Memory, this year’s symposium considers the ways contemporary artists and art world leaders working in the public realm are unearthing concepts and materials, artifacts and ephemera, at and just below the surface of civilization to guide their work. The program will examine vital questions and explore the significance of influential work that asks viewers to look deeply at what is beneath the actual and metaphorical ground plane.

Participants include:
Ian Alteveer (Aaron I. Fleischman Curator, Modern and Contemporary Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art), Alice Aycock (Artist), Lynne Cooke (Senior Curator, Special Projects in Modern Art, National Gallery of Art), Maren Hassinger (Artist), Cristina Iglesias (Artist), Deborah Landau (Poet and Professor and Director of Creative Writing Program, New York University), Ted Loos (Arts and Culture Journalist, New York Times Contributor, Moderator), Alan Michelson (Mohawk member, Six Nations of the Grand River, Artist), Mark Wigley (Professor of Architecture and Dean Emeritus, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University), and Kennedy Yanko (Artist).

The symposium is free and open to all and will be held at the SVA Theater (333 West 23rd Street, New York, NY).

Click here for more information and to RSVP to this event.


SVA Theatre COVID Protocols for Event Attendees

All those entering SVA Theatre need to be fully vaccinated with an FDA / WHO authorized COVID vaccine and must show proof of vaccination upon entrance. “Fully vaccinated” means at least 14 days past the final dose of the vaccine received. 

Everyone entering SVA Theatre must wear approved face coverings that cover the nose and mouth at all times. CDC guidelines state that bandanas, gaiters, or masks with vents/valves are not approved.

Please click here for our current COVID protocols for guests.