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9th Annual New York Game Awards

Tuesday, January 21, 2020 8:00 pm

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Join the NY Videogame Critics Circle + The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Writers to honor the year’s games + Legend Winner Reggie Fils-Aimé!

The New York Videogame Critics Circle, a 501c3 non-profit group of 40 multicultural journalists, is delighted to announce the 9th Annual New York Game Awards Ceremony to be held at SVA Theater in Manhattan. Former Nintendo President Reggie Fils-Aimé, Our Legend Award Winner, will be honored and he’ll make a speech, too.

The show celebrates the Best Games and Game Developers in the industry along with the Circle’s non-profit work in underserved communities. The Awards will be hosted by Devin Delliquanti from Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.” Daniel Radosh, Emmy Award-winning “Daily Show” senior writer and “Liberty Crossing” executive producer, will craft the comedy as well.

The New York Game Awards Scholarship and Mentoring donors include Sony, HyperX, Samsung, MSK, Alienware and Ubisoft, with more to be announced. Keep up to date with news at and on Twitter @NYVGCC, @NYGameAwards and @HaroldGoldberg.

Click here for more information and tickets.