B&H Event Space: World of Photography Series | Stephen Wilkes
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 7:00 pm
Event hosted by: B&H Event Space
For more than two decades, Stephen Wilkes has been widely recognized for his fine art and editorial photography. His photographs have been exhibited in both galleries and museums, and featured in National Geographic Magazine, The New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, Time, Sports Illustrated, London Sunday Times, and Conde Nast Traveler.
In 1999 Wilkes completed a personal project photographing the south side of Ellis Island: the ruined landscape of the infectious disease and psychiatric hospital wings, where children and adults alike were detained before they could enter America.
Wilkes’ newest body of work is titled Day to Night™. The work embodies epic cityscapes and landscapes with fleeting moments throughout the Day to Night. Wilkes photographs from one camera angle continuously for approximately 15 hours. Each photograph takes months to develop and a plan for more images is in the works. Wilkes recently received a grant from the National Geographic Society to continue his Day to Night series in the National Parks.
Wilkes’ talk will center on his life-long evolution as a photographer, specifically focusing on his fine art. Wilkes will discuss in depth his creative process and inspirations as well as draw connections between the themes from early work to his current fine art images.
For more details, click the ticket link above or visit the B&H Event Space website.