InSource Presents "In-House Perspectives"
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Beatrice Theatre
6:00 pm
Event hosted by: InSource
In-house creative teams, and those that lead them, face unique challenges that only other in-house creative professionals can understand. On November 18th join InSource in New York City as we hear in-house leaders present pointed 15-minute perspectives related to working in-house.
Featured talks and speakers include: “Beyond the Stage: Design at Lincoln Center” by Martin Schott: Director, Creative Services at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts; “Designing, for Designers” by Ilana Greenberg: Creative Director at GDUSA/Graphic Design USA Magazine; David Lesué: Creative Director at Workfront.
Evening Agenda:
Cocktails, appetizers, and networking
Opening remarks , Andy Brenits, President, InSource
Speaker presentations
Q&A panel with speakers
Members and non-members of InSource and the in-house community are welcome. Please click here to register.