"Mama Rwanda" New York City Premiere
Monday, October 17, 2016 6:00 pm
Event hosted by: The Akilah Institute
The Akilah Institute presents the New York City premiere of Mama Rwanda followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker, Laura Waters Hinson, Akilah’s Executive Director, Karen Sherman, and other experts within the women’s empowerment sector. Laura Walker, President and CEO of New York Public Radio, will moderate the panel.
All proceeds from the event will benefit the Akilah Institute. The Akilah Institute is a college for women in East Africa offering a unique model of market-relevant education that enables young women to achieve economic independence and obtain leadership roles in the workplace and in society. To learn more about the Akilah Institute, visit www.akilahinstitute.org.
Mama Rwanda is an extraordinary new documentary by award-winning filmmaker Laura”‹ ”‹Waters Hinson that examines a new generation of women in post-genocide Rwanda,”‹ ”‹whose passion for entrepreneurship is transforming their nation into one of the fastest”‹ ”‹growing economies in the world. The documentary follows two ”‹mothers, Drocella,”‹ ”‹a village wife, and Christine, a city widow, as they trade subsistence living for a life in”‹ ”‹business, and highlights the role of education and access to capital in empowering”‹ ”‹women to overcome poverty.
VIP Reception at 6PM (with purchase of VIP ticket)
Screening & Panel Discussion at 7PM
Click the ticket icon above or visit this page for tickets and more information.
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