The TV of Tomorrow Show
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Event hosted by: ITVT
Please visit for tickets and information.
ITVT’s annual Fall/Winter East Coast conference in New York City is called TVOT NYC Intensive. This event packs the TV of Tomorrow Show experience into a one-day, three-track ‘Intensive.’
While [itvt]’s TV of Tomorrow Show events feature an exhibit hall and panel sessions, that’s where their similarity to other industry conferences and tradeshows ends:
They are the only industry events to focus on the production, delivery, user experience and business of interactive TV across multiple platforms and media (e.g. pay TV, smart TV, tablets, smartphones and other second-screen devices, Web, social networks, VOD, game consoles, programming, advertising, tcommerce, transmedia “storyworlds,” etc.)
Ensuring that attendees are able to meet and schmooze with the right people is a primary focus of the events. One of our principal goals is to introduce to one another people and companies with complementary visions and solutions.
The events are not “pay-for-play”: speakers are selected for their expertise alone, not because they, or the company they represent, have paid a speaker’s fee.
The events’ panel sessions are developed through an ongoing dialog with the readership of the [itvt] newsletter, allowing us to ensure that they are topical, timely and accurately reflect the interests and concerns of the industry.
The panel sessions are highly interactive, with debates, open mics, polls and other features designed to promote discussion.
The events also offer in-depth workshop sessions, where smaller groups of participants have the opportunity to dialog with leading industry experts and explore new technologies, platforms and media in a more focused and hands-on way.
The events are designed to promote cross-pollination between the interactive/multiplatform TV community and other creative communities, such as artists, performers, designers, interactive storytellers, independent filmmakers, YouTube creators, and more.
Finally, the events are designed to be fun. They feature entertainments, challenges, contests, and a range of other social activities.