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Urban Arts Partnership Presents Adobe Youth Voices Live!

Monday, June 02, 2014
Beatrice Theatre
11:00 am

Event hosted by: Urban Arts Partnership

Reserve Tickets

Please join Urban Arts Partnership’s Adobe Youth Voices Educator Cohort for the year-end celebration of youth digital media, a multi-media showcase.
Academy high school students will showcase the “best of” digital video, photography, game design, dance, poetry, music and theater from their advanced arts residencies. One four year college scholarship will be awarded to an exceptional graduate.
Block A: 11:00AM , 1:00PM
Block B: 2:00PM , 4:00PM
Reception: 6:30PM
AYV Academy Showcase & Nagler Award: 7:00PM , 9:00PM
Tickets and information available at or by clicking the ticket icon above.