Urban Arts Partnership Presents Adobe Youth Voices Live!
Monday, June 02, 2014
Beatrice Theatre
11:00 am
Event hosted by: Urban Arts Partnership
Please join Urban Arts Partnership’s Adobe Youth Voices Educator Cohort for the year-end celebration of youth digital media, a multi-media showcase.
Academy high school students will showcase the “best of” digital video, photography, game design, dance, poetry, music and theater from their advanced arts residencies. One four year college scholarship will be awarded to an exceptional graduate.
Block A: 11:00AM , 1:00PM
Block B: 2:00PM , 4:00PM
Reception: 6:30PM
AYV Academy Showcase & Nagler Award: 7:00PM , 9:00PM
Tickets and information available at http://urbanarts.org/event/ayv-live-nyc/ or by clicking the ticket icon above.